I have been managing design teams for over 16 years. In that time I have come to appreciate just how important it is to help guide and support a team so they can do their job to the best of their abilities and with the right frame of mind. Managing a team and mentoring are not the same thing. However, many of the mentoring skills and techniques are very relevant if used in the right way with individuals who are receptive and have a sharp focus on their personal development. 
Mentoring is a reciprocal relationship between Mentor and Mentee. The primary aim is to help individuals to grow on a professional and personal level by harnessing and cultivating the attributes they already have. It's about helping them to unlock their potential and set them up for success. I like to think of it as a gradual process of change and renewal, as mentees learn to think differently about themselves and the value they offer.
My story
I became interested in mentoring some years back when I realised I needed some guidance with my own career. I reached out to a client who I thought would be a good mentor and much to my surprise and delight he happened to be a practicing professional mentor! My hunch was right, he took me on and it was a hugely fruitful and engaging experience for me. A good mentor will challenge self perceptions and abilities, they will guide mentees through a period of introspection and self evaluation and they will get them to recognise their inherent strengths and values. This relationship is one where the mentee leads the discussion and the agenda. The mentor is facilitating with tools and techniques that empower mentees and give them the confidence to pursue their career and personal goals.
How can I help you?
If you are a design graduate or an experienced professional and feel you need a steer, then you could also benefit from mentorship. I'd be happy to talk you through the process and my approach to see what areas we can work on together. Feel free to connect via LinkedIn.
Volunteer mentor for Women In Brunel Engineering and Computing (WiBEC)
I have been a mentor for the WiBEC program for 6 years. The Programme supports female graduates and undergraduates to attain their full potential in the engineering and computing industry sectors. According to Brunel statistics; 'Destination data gleaned from our mentees demonstrates the impact of this development programme with over 90% either studying or working in STEM.'
WiBEC Award 2023
The WiBEC program offers mentors support and key training to help them become better and more effective mentors. I have learnt a great deal being part of this great program and I have kept in touch with many of my mentees and seen them go on and do great things. It was my honour and privilege to have been recognised with an Outstanding Commitment to WiBEC award in 2023.
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